Graduation criteria:
- Each student will be evaluated and graded based on the following:
- Attendance: 30%
- Semesters Exams: 15%
- Co-op services: 15%
- Participation in class and servants’ recommendation: 40%
- A passing grade of more than 50% is required before a student can move to the next year.
+ Attendance
- Students are expected to be on-time in the class. Attendance is essential for passing as it includes a percentage in both the attendance part and the class participation part.
- Absence notices to be sent to the individual class servants
+ Class Participation
- Students should be actively involved in classroom discussions on a frequent basis.
+ Semesters Exams
- The exam is conducted at the end of each semester; exact date is going to be determined and announced/posted on the church website, servants preparation webpage.
+ Communication:
The main method of communication will be via email and whatsApp group. Please make sure to provide a valid email address, as you will be receiving notices/ Homework/Assignments via email. We promise not to send more than one email per week and we promise not to provide your email address to anyone else.
+ Co-op Hours
Student should complete some hours every year in church services as a co-op; here are suggested services, students can assist with:
- Sunday School Classes
- Kids, COOL and Youth Conventions – In July & August
- Sunday School Activities – In January (Nativity), September (Nayrouz) & April/May (Resurrection)
- Christ Lives in Christian Kids (CLICK) Program – Every Saturday
- Baby Sitting – During Women & Deacons Meetings, Every 1st Saturday each month
- Coptic & Hymns Classes – Every Saturday
- Summer Camp Program – In July & August
- Summer Evening Program – In July & August
- Scouts Program
- Kids Bible Study – On Saturdays
- Kitchen – Every Sunday
- Church Cleaning
- Church Website
- Maintaining Service Books (Kholagies)
- Church Trips – In January (Sunday School Trip) & in May (Family Retreat)
- Korban (Bethlehem)
- SMSJ YA (St Mary & St Joseph Church’s Youth Association)
- Sports activities for Children.
- Other services as needed by the church.
A co-op evaluation form should be filled out by an adult servant indicating the hours.
(Please click here for the co-op evaluation form)
How to register?
In order to attend the Servants’ Preparation Program, a registration form for admission should be filled out and submitted.
(Please click here for the registration form)