Dear Family of St. Mary & St. Joseph Coptic Orthodox Church,
As per last update, we are now permitted to celebrate the Divine Liturgy in our church with a maximum attendance of 50 people at a time, priest(s) and deacons included.
We thank the Lord for hearing our prayers to allow us to continue partaking of His Body and Blood, and we ask each one of you to be responsible and considerate of others. Therefore, please register to attend one Liturgy per week at your home church only, prioritize your choice of liturgy to weekdays first to allow those who work during the week to attend on Sunday, and follow the guidelines and rules as stipulated before.
If for any reasons your schedule changed and you cannot attend the liturgy that you registered for, please inform us at so that we can allow another person from the waiting list to attend instead.
We appreciate your cooperation and help during this difficult time. Thank you; May God bless you and protect you all.
St. Mary & St. Joseph Coptic Orthodox Church
Richmond Hill, ON Canada